Master of Management at Aquinas College
Application Procedure & Requirements
All application materials (transcripts, resume, letters of recommendation, and personal statement of intent) must be received by the college according to this schedule: > August 1 for Fall semester admission |
Admission Requirements
Consideration for admission into the Master of Management program is based on the following criteria:
- A completed free online application.
- Included with the application, upload:
- Professional résumé detailing accomplishments and work experience
- Written statement of intent (no more than 3 pages) addressing the candidate's personal and professional goals, interest in degree focus, past professional experiences, and contributions they might make in the classroom
- Official transcripts from all universities and colleges previously attended. Students should request that transcripts be sent by each institution directly to the above address.
- Two letters of recommendation. The letters must be from professional or academic persons knowledgeable of the applicant’s academic and/or professional experiences and dispositions (letters from family or personal friends are not acceptable). Letters should include the recommender's relationship to the candidate, number of years known and in what capacity, and how the recommender rates the candidate's ability and aptitude to successfully complete the graduate degree program. The recommender should include their organization affiliation, title, and contact information.
- Personal interview with faculty. Upon receipt of the completed application, the Graduate Studies Office will contact the applicant to set up an appointment for an interview with a program administrator.
Conditional Admission and Probation
Applicants may be requested to submit GMAT scores if the other criteria for admission are not met, such as GPA below 3.0. Students conditionally admitted will be on probation and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 during the first twelve (12) semester hours of coursework. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program.
With program director approval, individuals may audit MM courses. Auditors must be formally admitted to the College and must pay tuition for auditing, which is half the regular graduate tuition rate. Students who audit a course are not obligated to complete coursework. No course credits are awarded. Course audit is denoted with “AU” on the official transcript.
Guest Students
An individual may register as a guest graduate student for up to six credits. No transcripts or test scores are required, but program director approval is necessary prior to enrollment, along with application to the College. Tuition, fees and course requirements are the same as those for admitted students. Credits and grades earned will appear on the official transcript and may be eligible for transfer to another institution.
Probation/Dismissal Policy
If a graduate student’s cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation within the department. If the cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 after completion of an additional six (6) semester hours, the student will be dismissed from the program.
Transfer Credits
A maximum of nine (9) graduate semester hours from an accredited institution may be transferred to the Master of Management program. In order to be considered for transfer credit, coursework completed at other institutions must have been taken at the graduate level within five years of the student’s admission to Aquinas. Only those courses in which the grade earned is 3.0 or better may be transferred to the MM program. The content of the course must be consistent with the objectives of the MM program. Once a student is enrolled in the program, he or she must have approval from the Program Director before taking any courses at other institutions for potential transfer to the MM program.
Lynn Atkins-Rykert
Graduate Programs Coordinator
Academic Building, Room 201
(616) 632-2924